Sunday 9 January 2011


Other than flying and taking footage from the sky today, I have also managed to download 2  helicopter sounds in an mp3 file. One is a sound from outside the helicopter as it flies over and the other is from inside the cockpit of the helicopter so we will use both in the film. This will be in the background while either myself or my dad do a voice over from a police mans point of view in the helicopter. We will find out what kind of vocab and langauage the police helicopter pilots use and we will then create a small script in which we will do the voice over to.

I also downloaded a ticking noise for our bomb countdown which will be playing throughout the film but getting louder towards the last few scenes and eventually the ticking will be the only sound in the last scene.

I then went on to film my mobile phone countdown and this will be flashed up in some scenes to remind the audience that the timer is ticking and to make them wonder what this timer is linked to.

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