Sunday 7 November 2010

Deja Vu Inspiration

Over the weekend i watched the film Deja Vu and the opening scene really inspired me for my opening to a film. I have now decided that i will base my film around the opening to the film Deja Vu and i will create a similar scene. The oepning scene consists of slow motion shots of everyhting really, from public transport to more specifically the marines boarding a party boat to celebrate with family for whatever reason. It is clear from the way the director has created this opening, that something bad is going to happen but it is not clear what.

For my film i aim to create an opening that also uses slow motion and creates tension and curiosity. I will film from my dads plane and film over places such as the town square on a busy saturday, the train station in rush hour and a playground or school at lunchtime. This will all be played in slow motion with the use of noises that symbolise happiness such as; laughters, cheering, clapping, talking etc. I will include lots of shots and sounds that will help build up this tention and mysterious scene and i will keep flashing back to the plane from the sky and then back to the ground to increase tention.

I will also have some sort of digital clock that will be ticking thoughout and refered to throughout to symbolise that something will happen when the timer runs out.

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